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The Finale of Crave By Tracy Wolff

Writer's picture: Skaiste UrSkaiste Ur

Finally the last days of Crave by Tracy Wolff! Party for me and all of us!

Last time we finished: Grace made out with Jaxon and asked him to suck her blood. However, that did not end well as he got really aggressive and as Grace got out of the room she saw Lia. After asking for help Lia tranquilised Jaxon and later Grace.

If you haven’t read the previous days: Day 1, Day 2-3, Day 4-5, Day 6-7.

Day 8

Grace wakes up in a weird place and she's all tied up on a cold stone slab. She keeps thinking about how to get out and what happened just before she passed out.

And as those thoughts go on she looks around and sees… I think Grace can tell us better.

So it's really dark there… She’s trying to get out because that “Is better than just lying here, waiting to die. Or worse”

What is worse, Grace??? Please tell me.

In the end with a lot of wriggling the ropes get loose and she is now free. Grace thinks of running away for a hot second but then she hears growls and screams, so she decides that Jaxon is in danger and goes to see him.

Because that is logical for a human to save a vampire…

Grace finds out that she's in the tunnels but a dragon grabs her and flies away with her. As they fly, Grace tries to get out, but soon Lia notices them and grabs the dragon by its tail.

I don’t know about you, but that was kind of badass. Also… How did the dragon fit there? How tall are they?? How strong are vampires??

I have a ton of questions.

Anyway, Grace manages to escape when the dragon is down. He also finally turns into Flint! What a surprise.

As Grace tries to get away Flint grabs her hair and quickly explains that Lia has killed her parents. Because Lia needed Grace to get here to Alaska and everyone knew all along because of her scent??

He also mentions that Jaxon is in with Lia but there’s no time for that. It’s time for Grace to die, so he starts strangling her.

Jaxon interrupts and starts fighting with Flint. Grace finally thinks this is too dangerous for her and runs away.

Of course, she didn’t become smart all of a sudden, it’s obviously because Flint mentioned that Jaxon planned this with Lia.

Then suddenly, something hits her from behind and as Grace turns around, she sees Lia.

Grace gets into a fight with her. Lia makes her move to the alter all over again. Grace decides to pretend that she's unconscious.

But as soon as Lia puts her on the alter and turns her back Grace attacks. She rips a few pages from the spell book and fights more.

So apparently Lia is trying to bring Hudson back and for that she needs Grace. Lia also implies that Grace is not a human but doesn't elaborate on that.

Oh, and the ripping of the book didn't do shit because she remembers word for word. So Lia starts chanting and a black smoke shows up, she screams for Grace to open her mouth but of course, she doesn't do that.

Advice for Lia: just hit her in the stomach she'll have no choice but to breathe in the air.

Jaxon is on the other side of the room and Grace puts two and two together and realises that Jaxon didn't do anything bad to her. He's not with Lia and now he's trying to save her.

Quite quickly Jaxon breaks the wall to get in the room (because if he would have broken the door he would need an invitation to get in, aka vampire moment).

What I fail to realise is how everything here is happening underground the school...

Anyway, Lia and Jaxon start fighting and the black smoke starts strangling him. Then Grace takes the knife that Lia had before and stabs her.

However, the smoke doesn't disappear so she finally opens her mouth.

But before we go into that what I found funny is how when Lia and Grace had a small chat Grace was like:

“There’s no way she’s going to be able to bring Hudson back from the dead - life just doesn’t work like that. Believe me, I know.”

Like no… Girl, you didn’t know supernatural creatures existed a few days ago. Don’t go pretending you know how the world works.

Moving back to the plot: Jaxon makes a little tornado so that the black smoke wouldn't go near Grace. It sucks out everything but Jaxon makes a little ball and throws it at Lia and she dies.

Then Jaxon succumbs and Grace is worried that he might be dead. He's still bleeding a lot so she decided to give him blood because there's no other way to get it.

But let's talk about it for a second... She's worried about him dying because of blood loss but her blood was sucked prior to the kidnapping.

She lost blood while getting the ropes off, flying with the dragon and fighting Lia. I probably forgot more things BUT what matters is that she has lost tons of blood by now…

I know she's not going to die but as a human, she should... That's not normal... But Grace is too oblivious to notice anything, I guess.

Day 10

She wakes up 2 days later and of course, she needs to see Jaxon right away. He's completely fine and comes into the room. (They're still at school, nurse's office).

They have a chat but all you need to know from that is:

1. The scar on Jaxon's face was made by his mom aka Vampire Queen. She was mad because he killed his brother.

2. There is still a lot of danger but they decide to be together.

Grace lost 2l of blood and apparently, that's how much Jaxon took or at least that's what is implied:

So I did a quick search. An adult human has around 4-5l of blood in their body. For a person to die they need to lose 2.5-3l of blood.

That's why I believe Grace should be dead right now. Just saying.

Day 13

They go on a little date to build a snowman. We also get to know that Hudson might not be completely dead yet. That’s because Jaxon doesn’t know how the black smoke works.

A mini guide to the vampire world of Crave:

  1. Can't see themselves in mirrors

  2. Have some interesting venom

  3. Get stomach ache if they eat human food, tea/water is okay

  4. If they drink human blood they can't go when the sun is out. Animal blood is fine

  5. There is a whole mate thing (Jaxon and Grace are mates, kind of like destined to be together)

  6. They have powers. Some of them?? Maybe only Jaxon and his family??

  7. There are born vampires and made vampires.

Day 17???

Everything seemed to calm down. They're having a nice breakfast, not so nice for The Order because they have to watch their leader flirt and kiss his girlfriend all the time.

Flint is all okay and Grace is not really mad at him. She understands where he is coming from. Though she's still not ready to talk to him.

But the quiet is not here to last long. As they're walking to the class suddenly black smoke appears. Hudson shows up with a sword near Jaxon's head and as Grace says it is her place to save him.

"And that's when it hits me. Jaxon was never meant to be the hero of my story... Because I was always meant to be the hero of his."

Day 21

(From Jaxon’s perspective)

So after the accident Grace turns into a stone and now she's a gargoyle???? Who chooses to stay that way (or might be dead) because she's fighting Hudson?

Nobody knows, read the second book yourself.

There are also three chapters from Jaxon’s pov about different incidents, so here’s a summary of them:

The first chapter talks about the first time they met and it’s pretty boring, not going to lie.

The only new thing I found is that Jaxon fell in love with her because she likes to talk back and nobody else in the world does that. A bit of kdrama moment.

He also knows about the mate thing, and he knows that Grace is his mate. Which makes Grace’s tries to hide it absolutely hilarious.

Once again Grace thinks she knows the world better than creatures living in this world for longer than her.

The second chapter is about the snowball fight. Jaxon is all jealous about the closeness between Grace and Flint but can’t do anything.

What got me to laugh in this chapter is how oblivious Grace is. This is the perspective from Jaxon’s view:

Literally, barely anyone is hiding their powers…

To remind of what happened, Grace falls down the tree and Flint saves the day (thanks to Jaxon who pushed him off the tree).

Then Jaxon shows up and moves Grace to her room. Then Macy starts talking and this is Jaxon’s thoughts:

"Macy joins the conversation for the first time, and I'm embarrassed to admit I almost forgot she was even with us." You Jaxon, and the author on the daily basis.

The third chapter is about him leaving the school when Grace finds out that she was bitten.

Jaxon went to the mountains to find his old teacher because he doesn’t want to be Grace’s mate. And the teacher would be the one to know how to solve things.

Another interesting moment is that Jaxon is 25… "I spent twenty-five years of my life right here [with a vampire teacher] in this cave at the queen's insistence, learning to harness my power"

Well, again, it’s definitely better than having 100 year age gap but this?? Why you’re still going to school? How does age work here?

That is not explained… He has a talk with the teacher who in the end gives him a piece of paper with instructions on “how to make you mate not your mate anymore”.

When he gets out of the cave he sees the message that someone bit Grace and he runs to her. He also throws out the paper as soon as he gets to school.

Because he understood how important Grace is to him.

The end

So nice to finally finish this book. It definitely has some entertaining parts. However, I just disliked most of the characters.

The writing is also not that good and I'm surprised that the author had an editor. There are so many unnecessary parts that I'm confused about.

If anyone is interested, I gave it 1/5 stars.


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